16 Inspirational, Funny and Refreshingly Honest Working Mom Quotes

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Every working mom I know works the equivalent of at least two full-time jobs. Our situations are all different, but no matter the circumstances, there’s no denying that our plates are overflowing.
Some days are harder than others. Some days, you need a little extra encouragement to get through the day. To get you through the tough days, I’ve gathered my favourite working mom quotes from around the web. I hope they make you smile, help you feel a little less alone, and remind you why you’ve undertaken this crazy juggling act.
I’ve tried my best to find the correct source for each quote, but it’s not uncommon for these to be misattributed. If you notice that I’ve got one wrong, please let me know.
1. I’ve shared this one before. In my experience, this could not be more accurate:
2. Some days, it feels like you’re doing the impossible:
3. This quote is one of a few on this list that wasn’t originally said in the context of working moms, but couldn’t be more fitting:

7. Honestly? This is one of the hardest parts for my Type-A, perfectionist self to accept:
8. Rushing to wrap up a meeting because you have to pump, finding boogers or spit-up on our clothes halfway through the day, or pulling a toy out of your purse instead of a pen – we’ve all been there:
9. I love this one. Our to-do lists are SO full, but there are certain things in life that should absolutely take precedence:
Related: How to Make Time for Quality Time with your Kids
10. We all need this reminder:
11. Again, a tough one for me to admit, but absolutely necessary:
12. Giving up the idea of perfection seems to be a recurring theme:
13. I need this one right now:
14. This could be the motto for my life:
15. Our actions matter more than our words:
16. Our daughters (and sons) are watching:
(At the risk of being misunderstood, I want to be clear that I don’t think that being a working mom is better (or harder), nor do I think that being a stay-at-home mom is better (or harder). What’s crucial to me is that my daughter has – and knows she has – every opportunity that’s available to her brothers.)
Do you have a favourite working mom quote that I didn’t include? I’d love to hear it!

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