Tag: parenting encouragement

How to be a Better Mom (it’s not what you think!)

How to be a Better Mom (it’s not what you think!)

This may disappoint a few of you, but this article is not what you think. I don’t have the secret answer that’s going to make you a better mom. Reading this article isn’t going to convince your kids to start listening to you or make […]

11 Realistic Tips to Help You Become a More Patient Parent

11 Realistic Tips to Help You Become a More Patient Parent

I’m not a patient person.  I wish I was. If I could change only one thing about myself as a mom, I’d choose to be a more naturally patient parent. Nothing causes me more guilt and mental anguish than those times when I let my […]

How to Survive the First Week with your Newborn Baby

How to Survive the First Week with your Newborn Baby

Bringing home your newborn baby is an overwhelming experience.  You’ve just been through the intense physical experience of giving birth, you’re sleep deprived, and before you’ve even had a chance to catch your breath, you’re handed your beautiful, fragile newborn and sent on your way. […]

Why Honest Motherhood is More Important than Perfection

Why Honest Motherhood is More Important than Perfection

Honest motherhood.  Out of curiosity, I searched the hashtag #honestmotherhood on Instagram when I was writing this post.  It brought up hundreds of pictures of smiling, happy children and families.  Is that motherhood?  Absolutely.  Is that an honest portrayal of motherhood?  Not quite. The truth […]

Some Days Are Hard

Some Days Are Hard

Today was hard.  It was one of those days where I felt like I spent the entire day on a treadmill – going nowhere and trying my hardest to keep up. Nothing terrible happened.  It was just relentless, in the way that only parenting can […]

How to Help a New Mom: 9 Rules to Follow

How to Help a New Mom: 9 Rules to Follow

I recently read an article on Scary Mommy about how to really help a new mom. The premise of the article was that she doesn’t need more muffins and onesies.  Instead, clean her house, blow dry her hair, and basically do everything that she hasn’t been […]

3 Key Strategies to Turn a Bad Day Around

3 Key Strategies to Turn a Bad Day Around

As a parent, sometimes you have one of those days.  You know the kind.  The baby’s teething and grumpy, your toddler is determined to make a mess of everything in the house, the kids are fighting with each other, everybody needs you at the same […]

12 Practical Tips to Help You to Thrive as an Introverted Parent

12 Practical Tips to Help You to Thrive as an Introverted Parent

I’m an introvert.  Nothing has driven home the truth of that statement like parenting young children.  Young kids, as we all know, talk, move, and just need constantly.  The relentlessness of parenting can make me feel like I can’t even finish a thought, let alone grab […]

You Don’t Need to Cherish Every Moment of Motherhood

You Don’t Need to Cherish Every Moment of Motherhood

If you have young children, and spend any time in grocery stores, malls, or on social media, you’ve probably heard some variation of, “Cherish these years, they go by so fast!”  If you’re anything like me, you probably smile and respond politely, but the question […]