Tag: motherhood is hard

12 Things I’m Saying “No” to for a Happier 2020

12 Things I’m Saying “No” to for a Happier 2020

How many times have you heard that the secret to thriving as a mom is to prioritize what’s important to you and let the rest go?  I’ve said this many times myself – and I believe it. But saying it is one thing. Putting it […]

How to be a Better Mom (it’s not what you think!)

How to be a Better Mom (it’s not what you think!)

This may disappoint a few of you, but this article is not what you think. I don’t have the secret answer that’s going to make you a better mom. Reading this article isn’t going to convince your kids to start listening to you or make […]

11 Realistic Tips to Help You Become a More Patient Parent

11 Realistic Tips to Help You Become a More Patient Parent

I’m not a patient person.  I wish I was. If I could change only one thing about myself as a mom, I’d choose to be a more naturally patient parent. Nothing causes me more guilt and mental anguish than those times when I let my […]

The Truth About Being a Working Mom: A Letter to my Younger Self

The Truth About Being a Working Mom: A Letter to my Younger Self

I remember being dragged along to one of my younger brothers’ hockey practices when I was a teenager.  It was a weeknight, and a mom walked in to the rink, clearly having come straight from work.  She was dressed in a suit and heels, and […]

30 Day Self-Care Challenge

30 Day Self-Care Challenge

A few months ago I said I needed to make self-care a priority.  Like I often do, I started with the best of intentions, but very quickly fell back into my old (not-so-healthy) habits. It reached a boiling point a few weeks ago.  Around the same […]

Why Honest Motherhood is More Important than Perfection

Why Honest Motherhood is More Important than Perfection

Honest motherhood.  Out of curiosity, I searched the hashtag #honestmotherhood on Instagram when I was writing this post.  It brought up hundreds of pictures of smiling, happy children and families.  Is that motherhood?  Absolutely.  Is that an honest portrayal of motherhood?  Not quite. The truth […]

A Letter To Every Mom on Mother’s Day

A Letter To Every Mom on Mother’s Day

To the mom-to-be, waiting on the arrival of your first baby.  While you haven’t yet held your baby in your arms, you’ve already glimpsed the worry and love that will define your new role as mom.  You are at the beginning of the greatest adventure […]

Some Days Are Hard

Some Days Are Hard

Today was hard.  It was one of those days where I felt like I spent the entire day on a treadmill – going nowhere and trying my hardest to keep up. Nothing terrible happened.  It was just relentless, in the way that only parenting can […]

The Myth of Having It All

The Myth of Having It All

As featured on:   “The obligation for working mothers is a very precise one: the feeling that one ought to work as if one did not have children, while raising one’s children as if one did not have a job” – Annabel Crabb Our mothers […]

You Don’t Need to Cherish Every Moment of Motherhood

You Don’t Need to Cherish Every Moment of Motherhood

If you have young children, and spend any time in grocery stores, malls, or on social media, you’ve probably heard some variation of, “Cherish these years, they go by so fast!”  If you’re anything like me, you probably smile and respond politely, but the question […]