
When I was a kid, I organized my candy before I ate it.  These days, I alphabetize my spices, and arrange my books and clothes by colour.  I describe myself as a wannabe-minimalist, and I’m at my happiest when I’m decluttering and organizing.

If that hasn’t scared you off, here’s a taste of what you’ll find here:

Some of my most popular organizing posts include:

  1. 9 Time Management and Organization Tips for Working Moms
  2. 8 Simple Habits for an Organized Home
  3. How to Manage the Invisible Mental Load of Motherhood
  4. 191+ Things to Throw Away
  5. Kids Clothes Management: How to Keep Up

Thanks for stopping by!

21 Lists to Make to Organize Your Entire Life

21 Lists to Make to Organize Your Entire Life

As working moms, we have a LOT to keep track of. Work stuff, kid stuff, home stuff – our brains are always going a million miles a minute. One of the most effective ways to give our overworked brains a break is by getting things […]

7 Life-Changing Time Management Tips for Working Moms

7 Life-Changing Time Management Tips for Working Moms

We all want more time in our day.   This is particularly true for working moms, who often try to squeeze more into each day than 24 hours allows.  Between work and our responsibilities at home, it feels like we don’t have enough time for […]

10 Minute Decluttering Tasks that Have a BIG Impact

10 Minute Decluttering Tasks that Have a BIG Impact

Are you caught up in the KonMari craze, but lacking the time or motivation to declutter your entire house?  Are you eager to declutter but overwhelmed by the scale of the job in front of you?  I’ve got you covered. I’ve rounded up five high-impact […]

11 Secrets to a Successful Morning Routine for Working Moms

11 Secrets to a Successful Morning Routine for Working Moms

Mornings with kids are stressful. Trying to get everyone fed, clothed, and out the door on time can be a daunting task. Add in making yourself presentable and getting to work on time, and you’ve created a perfect storm for high-stress, frantic mornings. A successful […]

9 Things You Need To Do at Night for a Stress-Free Morning

9 Things You Need To Do at Night for a Stress-Free Morning

As a busy parent, evenings are chaotic. From the moment you walk in the door, the kids are overtired and hungry, everyone needs something from you at the same time, and you have approximately 18 dirty lunch containers and 12 sheets of paper from school […]

How to Organize Kids’ School Papers

How to Organize Kids’ School Papers

With school-aged kids, it doesn’t take long for the schoolwork, artwork, and mementos to become overwhelming.  Almost every day my oldest is bringing home worksheets and artwork, and without a manageable system in place, I felt like I was drowning in paper. Last month, I finally […]

191+ Things to Throw Away

191+ Things to Throw Away

A few weeks ago, we talked about the 5 easy steps to declutter your home.  While the decluttering process is simple, deciding what things to keep and what things to throw away can be easier said than done.  For those who like a little more […]

How to Declutter Your Home in 5 Easy Steps

How to Declutter Your Home in 5 Easy Steps

I’ve been on a massive decluttering and organizing spree lately.  With three kids, I feel like I’m so busy keeping up with daily cleaning, and staying on top of their clothes and toys, that finding time to declutter and organize other areas of our home […]

9 Time Management and Organization Tips for Working Moms

9 Time Management and Organization Tips for Working Moms

Being a working mom presents a unique set of challenges.  The balance of work, family, relationships, managing a household, and trying to squeeze in a little bit of time for yourself is difficult – to say the least!   In my experience, the balance is […]

8 Simple Habits for an Organized Home

8 Simple Habits for an Organized Home

With three small kids, an open floor plan, and a playroom right in the middle of that open floor plan, keeping our home organized can feel like a daunting task.  Between the never-ending art projects, the magnetic tile creations that must be “saved”, and the […]