Tag: declutter

10 Minute Decluttering Tasks that Have a BIG Impact

10 Minute Decluttering Tasks that Have a BIG Impact

Are you caught up in the KonMari craze, but lacking the time or motivation to declutter your entire house?  Are you eager to declutter but overwhelmed by the scale of the job in front of you?  I’ve got you covered. I’ve rounded up five high-impact […]

191+ Things to Throw Away

191+ Things to Throw Away

A few weeks ago, we talked about the 5 easy steps to declutter your home.  While the decluttering process is simple, deciding what things to keep and what things to throw away can be easier said than done.  For those who like a little more […]

How to Declutter Your Home in 5 Easy Steps

How to Declutter Your Home in 5 Easy Steps

I’ve been on a massive decluttering and organizing spree lately.  With three kids, I feel like I’m so busy keeping up with daily cleaning, and staying on top of their clothes and toys, that finding time to declutter and organize other areas of our home […]

8 Simple Habits for an Organized Home

8 Simple Habits for an Organized Home

With three small kids, an open floor plan, and a playroom right in the middle of that open floor plan, keeping our home organized can feel like a daunting task.  Between the never-ending art projects, the magnetic tile creations that must be “saved”, and the […]